
- The oldest inn of the world -
The Röhrl brewery in Eilsbrunn located opposite to the church, originated probably from the Amtshof (tithe house) belonging to the monastery St. Emmeram in Regensburg. This one existed presumably already before the first turn of the millennium.
Andreas, the first brewer of the Röhrl brewery in Eilsbrunn married Susanna Hofmeister, the daughter of the innkeeper Georg Hofmeister in 1658. It is uncertain where he came from. However, that's for sure, from this date on he appeared as "Brewer and Bartender" in the records of the parish register. The Roman inscription MDCLXV (1665) in the pulley block above the entry documents a bigger modification or rather reconstruction of the inn which has been destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. Andreas was married twice and died in 1706 at the age of 70.
His son Joachim Röhrl (1676-1737) took over the property. He was followed by Andreas (1714-1782), Franziskus (1746-1812) and Sebastian (1775-1830).
After the early death of the 5th brewer Sebastian his resolute widow Magdalena continued with business. Since she demanded more money for the beer in her inn than the innkeepers she supplied with beer from her brewery, she received a considerable fine by the royal Circuit Judge from Kelheim. During her period as innkeeper, the inn has been rebuilt. This is proved by the monogram "M.R. 1839" over the door frame above the entry.
6th generation: With the hereditary settlement in 1844 the youngest son Josef Röhrl took over all debts and paid his brothers and sisters an adequate monetary compensation.
Johann Nepomuk founded the 7th Röhrl generation. His friends of the regular's table eternalized him as the ghost of Stockerfels. Today you can still find his painting in the bar parlour, the "V.I.P." table. Josef, the younger brother of Johann Nepomuk, went to Straubing in 1881 to work as brewer. His founded his own brewery which supplies the inn with beer until today.
8th generation: After World War I the oldest son Sebastian took over the brewery and inn.
9th generation: After World War II and the death of his brother Fritz who was killed in action at Sevastopol (the Crimea) Johann Nepomuk Röhrl, the only surviving son, became the owner of the house number 13 in Eilsbrunn.
In the 1950s it has been of great importance to the brewer from Eilsbrunn that the day trippers from Regensburg regained strength again. He supplied them with cheap food (2-3 pigs from his own livestock were slaughtered each week) and drinks of the in-house brewery. On the day of Maibock tapping, tasty light bock-beer and especially nutritive Maerzen beer as well as light export beer and light and dark Vollbier were served.
Like in the middle of the 19th century today the people from Regensburg still go hiking in droves in the Schwarze Laber valley on Sundays and public holidays. In former times they felt like being in the mountains when they went on the Pfalzlbauern- and Schönhofener hills (thus they called the path alpine via ferrata).
After the death of the politically very active and appreciated Johann Nepomuk Röhrl, the brewery had to be closed in spring 1971 for economic reasons. The brewery Bischofshof from Regensburg received the delivery rights and continued with the supply of the Röhrl inn in Eilsbrunn.
10th generation: The Röhrl daughter Antonie Kolbe took over the inn. Her older brother Johann Nepomuk, the last brewer of the Röhrl family died in 1982 at the age of 40.
In the 80s the beer of the brewery Bischofshof as well as the beer of the relational brewery in Frontenhausen (Brauerei Röhrl Frontenhausen) was served. The time-honoured inn became famous for the King Ludwig I parties as well as the rollicking carnival parties organised by the "Schnupfer" (snuffers) from Regensburg.
On March 1st, 2006, Muk Röhrl became innkeeper in the 11th generation. With the help of the whole Röhrl family, the trained chef and business man is running the historic inn. Together with his enthusiastic team he is trying to preserve the old Bavarian inn tradition and to spoil his guests with contemporary delicacies.
On November 16, 2010, the inn was recorded in the Guiness Book of RecordsTM as "Worldwide oldest permanently open inn". Main intention for the application has been the preservation and conservation of the gorgeous historic inn.
Beer in Eilsbrunn
The Röhrl brewery in Frontenhausen does not exist anymore. Therefore, especially the beer of the relational brewery Röhrl in Straubing is served as well as the "Weltenburger Dunkel" and "Schneider Weißbier". The festival beer "1881" of the
brewery Röhrl brewed on the occasion of the 125th anniversary is similar to the Maerzen beer created by the Röhrl brewery in Eilsbrunn in the 1950s.
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