Book publications

The „Röhrl“ restaurant is, not only in our opinion, one of the most beautiful listed buildings in the whole of Bavaria. You can find interesting information about our house e.g. in:

Gault Millau Bayern 2011/12

A trip advisor for gourmets
Christian Verlag

Genuss mit Geschichte

A real treat with history- a visit in Bavarian listed buildings
Karl Gattinger
Volk Verlag München

The most beautiful restaurants in Regensburg and the whole region

Die schönsten Wirtshäuser in Regensburg und Umgebung: Ein Gastronomieführer zu den bayerischen Wirtshäusern in der Stadt und Region Regensburg für Touristen und Einheimische

Battenberg Gietl Verlag

Marita Panzer, Karin Holz, Angela Kreuz, Dieter Lohr, Florian Sendtner - Regensburger restaurant parlours


Willfried Baatz, Heiderose Engelhardt, Daniel Schvarcz Trends und Lifestyle- Regensburg und Landshut Umschau Verlag

Umschau Verlag

Unfortunately most of those books are in German, but you can also take a look on our youtube channel called Röhrl TV, there you find a TV report of the DW in English